Managing links in email templates can be challenging, especially when each link is distributed across various blocks (text, images, buttons, videos, etc.). It would be extremely helpful to have a centralised interface where all links within an email are accessible and manageable. This could be added next to message settings, general styles, and comments. Here’s what this feature could offer: Display all links as editable fields in one place. Clicking on a link in the centralised list highlights the specific block in the editor, making it easy to locate. Above or under each field display the type of block each it belongs to (e.g., text, image, video, button, timer, social). – Also I was thinking it was a good idea to show all links with the same URL in one place and add slider arrows under them to switch between blocks that contain this link so that you can edit them separately: [ ] < Button > And then if you the URL for one of such elements, they should disconnect and another link appears in other place. But then I thought that in general it is a nice to have but for the beginning you can just show each link as a separate field even if the same URL is used multiple times on the page. Maybe in the end it is even better and easier for users to navigate. This idea was inspired by the discussion on this page: While that request highlights the difficulty of forgetting or mismanaging links, I believe the problem goes deeper: – It’s not just about resetting all links. Often, you need to selectively update or edit links rather than clear them entirely. – Resetting links removes incorrect URLs but doesn’t help add or manage correct ones efficiently. – A centralised approach addresses these issues by making link management intuitive, visible, and actionable.