(Closed topic) Consider creating a video block (that can be watched in an email client)
Vladimir Poskrebyshev
UPD: pls. see the comments, this feature is not very realistic.
I mean not improve the existing video block but add real mp4 videos. Please check out this example: https://emaillove.com/rockstar-propaganda-email-design-2.
Email client coverage is not large https://www.caniemail.com/search/?s=mp4
But the block can be created with a fallback option that will allow you just to choose some picture/gif
Marina Kryvenets
Hello Vladimir,
Thank you for your feedback.
We checked it with our team and, unfortunately, we cannot add it due to some restrictions and difficulties:
– the need to upload the video to Stripo server, however we do not have such an option;
– so the user need to upload the video in own way, so that there is a direct URL to the video file. And it can be problematic for most of users;
– the inability to style the video preview in the same way, i.e. there is no point in choosing the ui type of the button;
– after sending almost all users will see only fallback.
In case of any questions or issues, please let me know!
Vladimir Poskrebyshev
Marina Kryvenets Hello,
Oh, I forgot about this small thing that files have to be uploaded somewhere 🤣 . Yeah, it makes sense.
Then adding these parameters to the existing block https://stripo.canny.io/feature-requests/p/add-a-rollover-effect-for-videos-to-show-gifs-on-hover will be a great to have feature!