Nowadays you need to search for ways to increase engagement in your emails and create some interactive elements. And one of the tool is to make your video-embeds "interactive" – show some static picture with a play button as a thumbnail and replace it with gif-picture on hover so that you your receivers see some interesting moments from your video. It also feels quite similar to what you see on YouTube, for example. Here is the problem with the current setup:
– I add most of my videos not through the video block but through images because video block does not allow adding rollover-effects.
– But images do not have play buttons so I also have to not just take a preview picture from my YouTube video but also edit it.
– Allowing rollover images to video-embed blocks will make the whole process much easier. You will be able just to past a URL of your videos, activate the rollover effect and add a gif animation to show on hover without having to edit the thumbnail.