The possibility to export with single quotes instead of double quotes
under review
Marina Kryvenets
We received a suggestion from a customer to add a possibility to export an email with single quotes for attributes instead of double quotes, as some ESPs use single quotes, and that creates a need to replace them manually before importing to such ESPs.
We would like to check if this feature will be suitable and useful for you, so please feel free to vote or send your comments about it here.
Marina Kryvenets
Hello, Thank you for your reply.
Would you be so kind as to share the template with us with the suitable quotes across all the template? It can be a link to the Stripo template in your account for example. So we will be able to redirect it to our dev team as the suitable example for the implementation.
Thank you in advance!
Marina Kryvenets
under review
Specifically, a use case such as Microsoft Power Apps HTML Preview, where double quotes need to be escaped. Single quotes do not need escaping.