I have an idea of how Stripo can make email building much faster by two things:
– Developing its own merge tags (you can even give them some unique name like "Data source tag" not to mix up with other merge tags)
– Allowing to use data sources not just with AMP emails but also for building normal blocks.
Basically it just allows you to generate static email elements from dynamic data sources.
Here is a use case:
1) I create some Data source tags (which are structured in some unique format to avoid conflicts with other merge tags). For this example it can be:
2) Then I go to the email designer and start building an email
3) The "magic" happens only within a single container. Let's say I added a few blocks in the container: image, text (title), text (description), button
4) In the text editor I can add Data Source Tags the same way I add merge tags – from the dropdown or type manually. They can also be added in any places where I can add text (image source URL, button text, button URL etc.). So in my case I would add them this way:
)))title((( inside of a text field
)))description((( – also text field
)))img((( – in the source image URL field
)))url((( – everywhere where I want to add a link. For example, in the Title's and
Image's URL fields, and in the button URL field. In general it doesn't matter how many times I use the same tag.
3) I created a json file or Google doc with the same fields (title, description, image, url). I connect it to the email. I probably also need to choose the main field (something like ID that I would use further). In this case it would make sense to choose "title"
4) I choose the container with my tags and click the button Populate from data source. Then I choose:
– Connected data source
– One item in this data source (you can choose it via dropdown based on the main field (title) I chosen earlier)
– It populates the whole container with the data from my json object or table row that has the same main field – basically it is just a search and replace function. It searches for all )))title(((, )))description((( etc. inside this container and replaces them with the respective values from my data file. That's why tags should have some unique Stripo's format not to replace other merge or HTML tags.
This function will help users to build emails with multiple products / blog posts etc. much faster. Instead of copy-pasting website elements we can just take them from some files.
Another option is to allow doing a similar thing with RSS files – just connect an RSS file to the email, choose some container and allow users to get the data from a specific RSS element.
Overall, this idea might not be optimal, that's just something I briefly came up with. It probably can be implemented in a more efficient way.
What do you think about something like that?